Founded in isolation in 2020

badlands ZINE

A zine is a small circulation publication of rare interest.

The Inland West has for too long been viewed as culturally barren, unweird, flat, and bad. A desolate wasteland of conservatism and repression. This publication is an effort to push back at the stuffy, boring narratives that dominate the West and provide a platform for the voices often swept under the rug by the more sensible sensibilities.

Whether it’s poetry, fiction, nonfiction, editorials, journalism, songs, art, photography, design - it all has a place here.

We plan to print and distribute our zine as content fills up and it becomes feasible to do so. Sign up for our newsletter, Rustic Prison, to stay informed on our plans to print, expand, and accept donations.

Rustic PrisoN

Our twice monthly (or so) newsletter.


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