Badlands accepts a plethora of content types. Some are listed on this page. We will select our favorite submissions for our periodically printed zine, which for now will be passed around by local anarchists until we can trick a child into an unpaid internship.

We cannot compensate contributors at this time, but any future monetization will be distributed fairly among contributors. We believe no artist should submit free work to a publication that profits off their contributions. Right now, Badlands is merely a baby. If we ever grow up and start accepting donations or selling printed copies, we’ll pay you, we promise.

To submit content, email it to and include a short bio of no more than 50 words. If you wish it to be published anonymously, you must still provide a bio with as much non-identifying information as you feel comfortable sharing. Please share any potential conflicts of interest - such as involvement in political campaigns, profession, etc.

If you submit anonymously, please provide a clearly labeled pseudonym. If you submit more than one piece, please stick to that pseudonym!

For questions about our submissions, fill out the form below.

Accepted Content

Formatting note: DO NOT USE TABS TO INDENT YOUR PARAGRAPHS, you sociopaths. Use a clean return. Google Docs and Word files are preferred. Please include a thumbnail image for your piece or else we will hunt something down for you. Include a short bio - even if you want to publish with a pseudonym (write a fake bio).


These pieces of various length are longform and shortform editorial articles. The political perspective of Badlands is proudly far-left, but all content will be considered. Please submit your work regardless of your penchant for anarcho-socialism.

Any work of purported journalistic merit should be well-researched, ideally including footnotes. For other stuff, anything goes.


Nonfiction essays, particular if they deal with the experiences of Black, Indigenous, Latinx, LGBTQ+, and other oppressed groups. We call these pieces “Echoes” because calls for justice have long been reverberating throughout society, and within each experience lives a legacy of pain, sacrifice, love, and revolution. Modern calls for justice are the echoes of so many who have been silenced.

Citations and formalities are not necessary for these pieces.


All types of poetry are welcome, as long as they are honest.


All types of fiction are welcome, as long as they are honest.


This is a special category of anonymous writing only. It should explore uncensored sexuality, sensuality, pleasure, and emotional agony of all forms. We hang these pieces over our front doors to ward off politicians, priests, and pearl-clutchers.


All types of photography are welcome, as long as they are honest. Please pair your photography with some writing about the piece(s) or from any of the categories above.


You get the idea. Please pair your art with some writing about the piece(s) or from any of the categories above.

Note: squares and fascists are not allowed.